膽固醇的問題,美醫學報導美國1/3的小孩都有膽固醇的問題, 這各問題有與肥胖相關,膽固醇過高的原因除了家族歷史外還有其他的因素, 醫學專家給的一些意見是:1. 兒童與青少年的運動時間是酒店兼職每天一小時2. 飲食注意少油,少吃含飽和脂肪反式脂肪與膽固醇的食物3. 飲食均勻, 各式各樣的食物都要吃到But it said that a third of children whose cholesterol levels were 支票借款high enough to merit treatment were being missed by guidelines so dependent upon family history. The study concludes that many youngsters could benefit from universal 酒店經紀cholesterol screening that would allow for early diagnosis. However Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News' senior health and medical editor for ABC News, is cautious of the study. 售屋網He said the study did not take into account obesity levels and that we should be careful putting young children on medication they may have to use for the rest of their lives. 景觀設計Besser suggests the emphasis should be on obesity prevention and the promotion of healthy eating habits and exercise for the whole family since weight loss and exercise is one 整合負債way to reduce cholesterol without medicationTips to Keep Your Kids' Cholesterol Down"Good Morning America " gathered some good cholesterol wrangling tips from the Centers 結婚for Disease Control and Prevention and WebMD: Make sure you know your family history. Exercise regularly. According to the CDC, children and adolescents should do 60 minutes 西服(1 hour) or more of physical activity each day. Make sure your children eat foods low in total fat, saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. Select a variety of foods so your 賣房子child can get all the nutrients he or she needs. 

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